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  • Europe prepares for war with Russia, Hungarian PM says

    #Europe has entered an intermediate stage of preparations for war with #Russia as it is increasingly being drawn into the armed conflict in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban told Kossuth Radio. According to him, every week he sees more and more signs that the EU and NATO are preparing for military action. The prime minister pointed out that "going to war does not happen in one step." "There are three stages: discussion, preparation and destruction. Now we are finishing the discussion and we are in the preparation stage. We are inches away from destruction," he said.
    Europe prepares for war with Russia, Hungarian PM says #Europe has entered an intermediate stage of preparations for war with #Russia as it is increasingly being drawn into the armed conflict in Ukraine, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor #Orban told Kossuth Radio. According to him, every week he sees more and more signs that the EU and NATO are preparing for military action. The prime minister pointed out that "going to war does not happen in one step." "There are three stages: discussion, preparation and destruction. Now we are finishing the discussion and we are in the preparation stage. We are inches away from destruction," he said.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1719 Views
  • Iran provides Houthis with anti-ship ballistic missile: IRGC media

    Tasnim News Agency, affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), reported on Wednesday that Iran has supplied the Houthi rebels in Yemen with the Ghadr ballistic missile.

    The missile, described as the first Iranian anti-ship ballistic missile, is now in the hands of Yemeni fighters, enhancing their capability to target maritime vessels. The revelation is significant as it confirms that Tehran has been arming its proxy forces in Yemen with advanced ballistic missiles. This follows a pattern of Iran's military support to its allies in the region, further destabilizing the Middle East.

    Tasnim's report also highlighted the history of the anti-ship ballistic missile's development, pointing out that Iran needs to be able to threaten US and other foreign navies in the broader Middle East.

    In March, UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps accused Iran of supplying ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine, highlighting Tehran's expanding role in global conflicts. Since November, the Houthis have been using Iranian-supplied missiles and drones to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea, a critical global trade route. The attacks were initially a response to the Israeli military offensive in Gaza but have since severely disrupted maritime trade in the region.

    The Houthi campaign in the Red Sea began after Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called on Muslim nations to blockade Israeli trade.
    Iran provides Houthis with anti-ship ballistic missile: IRGC media Tasnim News Agency, affiliated with Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC), reported on Wednesday that Iran has supplied the Houthi rebels in Yemen with the Ghadr ballistic missile. The missile, described as the first Iranian anti-ship ballistic missile, is now in the hands of Yemeni fighters, enhancing their capability to target maritime vessels. The revelation is significant as it confirms that Tehran has been arming its proxy forces in Yemen with advanced ballistic missiles. This follows a pattern of Iran's military support to its allies in the region, further destabilizing the Middle East. Tasnim's report also highlighted the history of the anti-ship ballistic missile's development, pointing out that Iran needs to be able to threaten US and other foreign navies in the broader Middle East. In March, UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps accused Iran of supplying ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine, highlighting Tehran's expanding role in global conflicts. Since November, the Houthis have been using Iranian-supplied missiles and drones to attack commercial ships in the Red Sea, a critical global trade route. The attacks were initially a response to the Israeli military offensive in Gaza but have since severely disrupted maritime trade in the region. The Houthi campaign in the Red Sea began after Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called on Muslim nations to blockade Israeli trade.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2994 Views
  • Russia looking into reports about sending of French troops to Ukraine, says Kremlin

    The Russian Defense Ministry is currently looking into reports about #France sending its troops to #Ukraine, #Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry #Peskov told reporters. "We need to understand here whether this information is correct. Our military is looking into this information," Peskov said, commenting on reports that France had allegedly deployed its combat forces to Ukraine.

    Earlier, media reports said that France had sent 1,500 troops in support of Ukrainian forces in Slavyansk, citing a statement by Stephen Bryen, a former US Deputy Under Secretary of Defense.

    Russia looking into reports about sending of French troops to Ukraine, says Kremlin The Russian Defense Ministry is currently looking into reports about #France sending its troops to #Ukraine, #Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry #Peskov told reporters. "We need to understand here whether this information is correct. Our military is looking into this information," Peskov said, commenting on reports that France had allegedly deployed its combat forces to Ukraine. Earlier, media reports said that France had sent 1,500 troops in support of Ukrainian forces in Slavyansk, citing a statement by Stephen Bryen, a former US Deputy Under Secretary of Defense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTyuwjkiL1c
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1703 Views
  • PallyWood - Video of a "dead" body
    What do you do when you need a photo-op for social media of a dead body to show how terrible Israel is, and you don't have a make-up worker near by?

    This morning, PALLYWOOD is working on the only front they can hope to beat Israel: Social media
    Here is a a man standing over what supposedly is a "dead civilian". It could be a body - but maybe not. It is covered and could be a few pillows. Even if this is a body of some poor soul, a real peace-loving Gazan, before taking it to the hospital - why waste a great opportunity for people to take pictures of whatever it is for social media? To think that people believe actually this is crazy, but there you are!
    PallyWood - Video of a "dead" body What do you do when you need a photo-op for social media of a dead body to show how terrible Israel is, and you don't have a make-up worker near by? This morning, PALLYWOOD is working on the only front they can hope to beat Israel: Social media Here is a a man standing over what supposedly is a "dead civilian". It could be a body - but maybe not. It is covered and could be a few pillows. Even if this is a body of some poor soul, a real peace-loving Gazan, before taking it to the hospital - why waste a great opportunity for people to take pictures of whatever it is for social media? To think that people believe actually this is crazy, but there you are!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2003 Views 13
  • Majority of France opposes confrontation with Russia, explains Analyst

    Most of the French population, despite the influence of Western propaganda, considers military and financial support to #Ukraine wrong and opposes confrontation with #Russia, Laurent Briard, a #French military correspondent of the International Reporters Agency working in Donbass, said.

    "Many French citizens, especially those who have lived in Russia or Ukraine, have long been against the conflict with Russia," he said. The expert said that the French people were being bombarded by propaganda on television and from the country's leading media, and the elderly were especially susceptible. He called it zombification, noting that the U.S. media had a hand in this.

    According to the reporter, this is why some of the French support the government in decisions like supplying weapons to Ukraine. But Briard believes that French President Emmanuel Macron crossed a line when he announced he was considering sending French troops to Ukraine. "People saw that this is no longer just about transferring money and weapons, but about sending a large number of young men to die at the front," the expert added.

    He said that #Macron, despite declaring his desire to achieve a ceasefire in Ukraine during the Olympics, intends to use the Games in Paris to influence the public for further military and financial support to that country. Briard emphasized that during the #Olympics, the country may decide on new financial and military aid that hurts its own citizens.
    Majority of France opposes confrontation with Russia, explains Analyst Most of the French population, despite the influence of Western propaganda, considers military and financial support to #Ukraine wrong and opposes confrontation with #Russia, Laurent Briard, a #French military correspondent of the International Reporters Agency working in Donbass, said. "Many French citizens, especially those who have lived in Russia or Ukraine, have long been against the conflict with Russia," he said. The expert said that the French people were being bombarded by propaganda on television and from the country's leading media, and the elderly were especially susceptible. He called it zombification, noting that the U.S. media had a hand in this. According to the reporter, this is why some of the French support the government in decisions like supplying weapons to Ukraine. But Briard believes that French President Emmanuel Macron crossed a line when he announced he was considering sending French troops to Ukraine. "People saw that this is no longer just about transferring money and weapons, but about sending a large number of young men to die at the front," the expert added. He said that #Macron, despite declaring his desire to achieve a ceasefire in Ukraine during the Olympics, intends to use the Games in Paris to influence the public for further military and financial support to that country. Briard emphasized that during the #Olympics, the country may decide on new financial and military aid that hurts its own citizens.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3922 Views
  • "Russian Africa Corps soldiers deployed to Niger, which will challenge U.S. efforts to stay in Niger in the immediate term—undermining the West’s counterterrorism goals—and present long-term opportunities for the Kremlin to create threats that strategically pressure Europe."

    🔶️ "The Africa Corps contingent in Niger will likely remain small in the coming months because it lacks the capacity for a bigger deployment due to recruitment issues."

    🔶️ "This small footprint will enable Russia to strengthen its influence in Niger and consolidate its logistical network in Africa without significantly affecting the rapidly escalating al Qaeda and Islamic State insurgencies in Niger."

    🔶️ "Greater Russian influence and military presence in Niger in the coming years will create several future opportunities for the Kremlin to strategically threaten Europe with energy blackmail, migration influxes, and conventional military threats."
    "Russian Africa Corps soldiers deployed to Niger, which will challenge U.S. efforts to stay in Niger in the immediate term—undermining the West’s counterterrorism goals—and present long-term opportunities for the Kremlin to create threats that strategically pressure Europe." 🔶️ "The Africa Corps contingent in Niger will likely remain small in the coming months because it lacks the capacity for a bigger deployment due to recruitment issues." 🔶️ "This small footprint will enable Russia to strengthen its influence in Niger and consolidate its logistical network in Africa without significantly affecting the rapidly escalating al Qaeda and Islamic State insurgencies in Niger." 🔶️ "Greater Russian influence and military presence in Niger in the coming years will create several future opportunities for the Kremlin to strategically threaten Europe with energy blackmail, migration influxes, and conventional military threats."
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3754 Views
  • France preparing for naval warfare, rear-admiral says

    The French #Navy is preparing for potential military operations amid growing risks of an armed conflict, Rear Admiral Jacques Mallard, the commander of France’s carrier battle group, said.

    The French navy is shifting its training away from a focus on policing operations to gird for war against foes who want "to destroy us," he told Politico. "We now train for other missions, in particular what we call high-intensity warfare," Mallard noted. According to the rear-admiral, Western navies have to adapt to a new environment with "increasingly uninhibited competitors."
    Politico writes that France’s carrier battle group is expected to start a mission in the Mediterranean Sea in the coming days. France is the only EU country operating a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, which also carries nuclear weapons, the media outlet notes.

    The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, launched in 1994, was designed to carry up to 40 Rafale fighter jets, as well as several helicopters. The vessel has a length of 261 meters and a displacement of 42,500 tons. The ship has a crew of about 2,000.
    France preparing for naval warfare, rear-admiral says The French #Navy is preparing for potential military operations amid growing risks of an armed conflict, Rear Admiral Jacques Mallard, the commander of France’s carrier battle group, said. The French navy is shifting its training away from a focus on policing operations to gird for war against foes who want "to destroy us," he told Politico. "We now train for other missions, in particular what we call high-intensity warfare," Mallard noted. According to the rear-admiral, Western navies have to adapt to a new environment with "increasingly uninhibited competitors." Politico writes that France’s carrier battle group is expected to start a mission in the Mediterranean Sea in the coming days. France is the only EU country operating a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, which also carries nuclear weapons, the media outlet notes. The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, launched in 1994, was designed to carry up to 40 Rafale fighter jets, as well as several helicopters. The vessel has a length of 261 meters and a displacement of 42,500 tons. The ship has a crew of about 2,000.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 4096 Views
  • Houthis promise safe passage for Russian, Chinese ships in Red Sea, media reports

    Representatives of the Yemeni rebel Ansar Allah (#Houthis) movement have assured #Russia and #China that their ships can pass through the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait without fear of attacks from the Houthis, Bloomberg said, citing sources.

    According to the agency, a relevant agreement was allegedly reached during talks between diplomats of the three countries, which took place in "Oman. Ansar #Allah spokesman Mohamed Abdel Salam headed the Houthi delegation.
    Houthis promise safe passage for Russian, Chinese ships in Red Sea, media reports Representatives of the Yemeni rebel Ansar Allah (#Houthis) movement have assured #Russia and #China that their ships can pass through the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait without fear of attacks from the Houthis, Bloomberg said, citing sources. According to the agency, a relevant agreement was allegedly reached during talks between diplomats of the three countries, which took place in "Oman. Ansar #Allah spokesman Mohamed Abdel Salam headed the Houthi delegation.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5383 Views
  • West plays with fire, #Kremlin spokesman says about idea of sending #NATO troops to #Ukraine

    The Western countries are playing with fire when discussing the possibility of sending their troops to Ukraine, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry #Peskov has told the media. He described as dangerous the very fact such an idea was mentioned by French President Emmanuel #Macron.

    Peskov said that Moscow is hearing "many contradictory statements" from the West about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, but "the very fact of this discussion is dangerous."

    He pointed out that Macron's statements to the effect that a discussion should begin on this score came amid speculations that the West wants to see Russia suffer a strategic defeat. "They are all playing with fire," Peskov warned. He added that together with German officers’ discussion of strikes on Russia all this leads "to a further degradation of the situation." "Of course, this is extremely irresponsible behavior," Peskov stated.

    He pointed out that Moscow was keen to achieve its goals and that "Russia is open to political and diplomatic ways of achieving them."
    West plays with fire, #Kremlin spokesman says about idea of sending #NATO troops to #Ukraine The Western countries are playing with fire when discussing the possibility of sending their troops to Ukraine, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry #Peskov has told the media. He described as dangerous the very fact such an idea was mentioned by French President Emmanuel #Macron. Peskov said that Moscow is hearing "many contradictory statements" from the West about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, but "the very fact of this discussion is dangerous." He pointed out that Macron's statements to the effect that a discussion should begin on this score came amid speculations that the West wants to see Russia suffer a strategic defeat. "They are all playing with fire," Peskov warned. He added that together with German officers’ discussion of strikes on Russia all this leads "to a further degradation of the situation." "Of course, this is extremely irresponsible behavior," Peskov stated. He pointed out that Moscow was keen to achieve its goals and that "Russia is open to political and diplomatic ways of achieving them."
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5627 Views
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