Oct. 7th Testimony: Gaza civilians sold 2 Israeli women to Hamas
Posted 2024-01-06 16:14:14

Unbelievable testimony by Nili Margalit, an Israeli nurse who was abducted from her house in Nir Oz.
She was taken by Gazan civilians who took her to a Hamas tunnel in Gaza and sold her to Hamas.
She took on the unofficial role of medically treating dozens of Israeli hostages, all injured, some elderly. She made detailed lists and demanded that medication be brought even at the cost of arguing with her captors.
When she kept insisting on medication the captors sometimes denied the hostages fans. Staying 40 meters underground without ventilation caused them breathing difficulties.
She had to improvise treatments, she treated infected wounds with honey as there were no antibiotics.
It's a story of (another) amazingly brave and resourceful woman.

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