• IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in an English-language video statement says Lebanon's Hezbollah terror group is "bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region."

    "The Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon has been escalating its attacks against Israel. Since deciding to join the war that Hamas started on October 7th, Hezbollah has fired over 5,000 rockets; anti-tank missiles, and explosive UAVs from Lebanon at Israeli families, homes, and communities," he says.

    "Hezbollah's increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region," Hagari continues.
    IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in an English-language video statement says Lebanon's Hezbollah terror group is "bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region." "The Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon has been escalating its attacks against Israel. Since deciding to join the war that Hamas started on October 7th, Hezbollah has fired over 5,000 rockets; anti-tank missiles, and explosive UAVs from Lebanon at Israeli families, homes, and communities," he says. "Hezbollah's increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation, one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region," Hagari continues.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 786 Views 13
  • A video published by the IDF reveals a conversation between two #Gazans regarding the strike in #Rafah.
    The #IDF suspects that #Hamas artillery caused the deadly fire in Rafah. The investigation is still ongoing.
    A video published by the IDF reveals a conversation between two #Gazans regarding the strike in #Rafah. The #IDF suspects that #Hamas artillery caused the deadly fire in Rafah. The investigation is still ongoing.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 901 Views 10
  • IDF Division 162 under the leadership of the 401st Military Police are operating in East #Rafah:

    🔶️ About 100 targets were attacked from the air and 30 Palestinians were eliminated
    IDF Division 162 under the leadership of the 401st Military Police are operating in East #Rafah: 🔶️ About 100 targets were attacked from the air and 30 Palestinians were eliminated
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1026 Views 8
  • Dozens of terrorists exit hospital surrendering with their weapons

    IDF fighters from the 460th Division of the 162nd Division, in cooperation with the Shin Bet, operated in the area of the Kamal Adwan hospital and located a building used by Hamas operatives, including an army officer.
    Dozens of terrorists exit hospital surrendering with their weapons IDF fighters from the 460th Division of the 162nd Division, in cooperation with the Shin Bet, operated in the area of the Kamal Adwan hospital and located a building used by Hamas operatives, including an army officer.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1938 Views 5
  • Dozens of Nukhba terrorists who participated in the massacre - arrested in Khan Yunis

    The terrorists were taken in for questioning by AMAN and Shin Bet personnel and provided information on how hostages were held in the Strip.

    Dozens of Nukhba terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7 were arrested yesterday in a refugee camp in western Khan Yunis, this was published this evening (Sunday) here.

    According to the report, a total of 60 terrorists were arrested in the operation in question, including many who were involved in the imprisonment and holding of Israeli hostages in the southern Gaza Strip.

    The terrorists were taken in for questioning by Iman and Shin Bet personnel, and provided information on the manner in which abductees were moved from place to place within the Strip.

    Terrorists even described how they handed over hostages who were under their care to other terrorists - and joined the fighting against IDF forces.

    After the operation at the Nassar hospital, the IDF forces in the Gaza Strip are focusing mainly on Hamas infrastructure and working on everything related to the hostage. The security establishment estimates that many of the hostages are being held in the Rafah area alongside senior Hamas officials who are hiding there.
    Dozens of Nukhba terrorists who participated in the massacre - arrested in Khan Yunis The terrorists were taken in for questioning by AMAN and Shin Bet personnel and provided information on how hostages were held in the Strip. Dozens of Nukhba terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7 were arrested yesterday in a refugee camp in western Khan Yunis, this was published this evening (Sunday) here. According to the report, a total of 60 terrorists were arrested in the operation in question, including many who were involved in the imprisonment and holding of Israeli hostages in the southern Gaza Strip. The terrorists were taken in for questioning by Iman and Shin Bet personnel, and provided information on the manner in which abductees were moved from place to place within the Strip. Terrorists even described how they handed over hostages who were under their care to other terrorists - and joined the fighting against IDF forces. After the operation at the Nassar hospital, the IDF forces in the Gaza Strip are focusing mainly on Hamas infrastructure and working on everything related to the hostage. The security establishment estimates that many of the hostages are being held in the Rafah area alongside senior Hamas officials who are hiding there.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 10694 Views
  • Two soldiers fell in battle in Gaza
    Sergeant first class Adi Eldor and Sergeant first class (res.) Alon Kleinman fell in battle in southern Gaza.
    May our Young Brothers in Arms Rest in Heaven....

    The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit on Monday morning cleared for publication the names of two IDF soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza and whose families have been notified:

    Sergeant first class Adi Eldor, 21, from Haifa, fell in battle in southern Gaza.

    Sergeant first class (res.) Alon Kleinman, 21, from Tel Aviv, fell in battle in southern Gaza.

    In addition, two soldiers were seriously injured in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. Also, a reservist was seriously injured in a car accident in southern Israel. The soldiers were evacuated to the hospital and their families were notified.
    Two soldiers fell in battle in Gaza Sergeant first class Adi Eldor and Sergeant first class (res.) Alon Kleinman fell in battle in southern Gaza. May our Young Brothers in Arms Rest in Heaven.... The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit on Monday morning cleared for publication the names of two IDF soldiers who fell in battle in Gaza and whose families have been notified: Sergeant first class Adi Eldor, 21, from Haifa, fell in battle in southern Gaza. Sergeant first class (res.) Alon Kleinman, 21, from Tel Aviv, fell in battle in southern Gaza. In addition, two soldiers were seriously injured in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. Also, a reservist was seriously injured in a car accident in southern Israel. The soldiers were evacuated to the hospital and their families were notified.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4773 Views
  • Since 1979, the Iranian Regime’s actions have continuously impacted the regional security of the Middle East. - #IDF
    Since 1979, the Iranian Regime’s actions have continuously impacted the regional security of the Middle East. - #IDF
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3031 Views
  • [JUST IN] Thousands of soldiers belonging to the IDF's 'elite' Golani Brigade have arrived at the Northern front, after having left Gaza in the past few weeks; hundreds of tanks, APCs and IFVs have also been transferred to the border with Lebanon
    [JUST IN] Thousands of soldiers belonging to the IDF's 'elite' Golani Brigade have arrived at the Northern front, after having left Gaza in the past few weeks; hundreds of tanks, APCs and IFVs have also been transferred to the border with Lebanon
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4447 Views
  • IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi says "the likelihood of war in the north is higher than before."

    🔻 Speaking to troops in northern Israel, during a drill simulating an offensive in Lebanon, Halevi says the IDF is "increasing readiness for fighting in Lebanon, we have a lot of lessons from the fighting in Gaza, many of them are very relevant to fighting in Lebanon, and there are some that must be adjusted."

    🔻 "We want to reach a very clear goal in Lebanon, to return the residents to the north, all the communities in the north," he says, referring to some 80,000 displaced Israelis amid the Hezbollah terror group's daily attacks.

    🔻 "I don't know when the war in the north is, I can tell you that the likelihood of it happening in the coming months is much higher than it was in the past," Halevi says.

    🔻 "I can tell you that I think we are starting it with many more advantages," he adds.
    IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi says "the likelihood of war in the north is higher than before." 🔻 Speaking to troops in northern Israel, during a drill simulating an offensive in Lebanon, Halevi says the IDF is "increasing readiness for fighting in Lebanon, we have a lot of lessons from the fighting in Gaza, many of them are very relevant to fighting in Lebanon, and there are some that must be adjusted." 🔻 "We want to reach a very clear goal in Lebanon, to return the residents to the north, all the communities in the north," he says, referring to some 80,000 displaced Israelis amid the Hezbollah terror group's daily attacks. 🔻 "I don't know when the war in the north is, I can tell you that the likelihood of it happening in the coming months is much higher than it was in the past," Halevi says. 🔻 "I can tell you that I think we are starting it with many more advantages," he adds.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5005 Views
  • IDF Operation "Swords of Iron" (Israel-Hamas War in Gaza Strip) will soon be renamed in
    “Genesis War” or “Sim'hat Torah War," according to PM Netanyahu
    IDF Operation "Swords of Iron" (Israel-Hamas War in Gaza Strip) will soon be renamed in “Genesis War” or “Sim'hat Torah War," according to PM Netanyahu
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6323 Views
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