The Israeli Defense Forces has released a comprehensive dataset detailing its operations in Gaza, Judea, Samaria, and Lebanon and revealing its achievements in countering terrorist activities


Following are the numbers:


– Operational Success: Over 9,000 Hamas operatives and fighters from other terror groups neutralized.

– Operational Impact: More than 23,000 Palestinian casualties, encompassing both civilians and Hamas members.

– Leadership Targets: Elimination of two Hamas brigade commanders, 19 battalion commanders, and other high-ranking officials.


– Counteraction: IDF’s actions resulted in the demise of more than 170 terrorists, primarily associated with Iran-backed Hezbollah.

Strategic Strikes

– Targets Neutralized: 30,000 in Gaza, including 3,400 identified as Hamas sites, and 750 in Lebanon.

– Projectiles Intercepted: Approximately 9,000 from Gaza, 2,000 from Lebanon, and around 30 from Syria.

Intelligence, Humanitarian Efforts

– Interrogation and Arrests: Intelligence Unit 504 interrogated 2,300 Palestinian suspects, leading to arrests and further questioning.

– Humanitarian Aid: 7,653 trucks inspected, carrying a total of 137,920 tons of aid into Gaza.

IDF Pre-Combat Outreach to Civilians

– Communication Initiatives: 79,000 phone calls, 7.2 million leaflets, 13.7 million texts, and 15 million recorded calls for evacuation warnings.

Judea and Samaria

– Arrests: Over 2,650 wanted Palestinians arrested, including 1,300 affiliated with Hamas.

– Infrastructure Impact: 40 brigade-level raids and demolition of 14 homes linked to terrorism.

IDF Reservist Mobilizations, Demographics

– Reservist Statistics: 295,000 mobilized, serving an average of 61 days.

– Demographic Overview: 81 percent men, 19 percent women, 115,000 fathers, and 3,000 mothers.


– Human Toll: 523 soldiers and reservists killed, 2,536 wounded since October 7.

– Ground Offensive Impact: 188 killed, 1,113 wounded during the ground offensive in Gaza.

– Accidents: 19 soldiers killed due to friendly fire, 36 by accidents during the war, including car crashes and military-related incidents.

The IDF also announced that comprehensive interim data of the war has been uploaded to the IDF website as part of the ongoing effort to publish information and make it accessible to the public.

Among the data can be found the number of terrorists eliminated, individuals interrogated, rocket fire, targets struck, operational data in various areas and commands, humanitarian efforts, reservists, casualties, and more.

All the data is available by clicking here.

It is also worth noting that the IDF’s Coordinator for Government Activity in the Territories (COGAT) has created a website that provides up-to-date information about Israeli humanitarian efforts on a daily basis.

The website may be accessed by clicking here.

